
Choose to be Happy :)

Choose to be Happy :)

Let's face it 2020 was a very stressful year for most of us. But did you know that stress can affect you physically?

Stress can cause headaches, stomach aches, back pain, depression, anxiety, weaken your immune system, and increase your risk of chronic disease.

We can’t always change how things are on the outside, but when we change our inner world, we experience our outer world differently. Doing something as simple as choosing to be happy at least once a day can be very powerful.

Take a moment each day to intentionally be happy about something. You might find joy in seeing the birds on the birdfeeder early in the morning. Or maybe it was tough getting to work this morning - take a moment and appreciate that you have work to do.

Set a reminder on your phone or put a post-it note on your bathroom mirror to remind yourself to have a happiness moment.

I hope you find happiness in each day this week. I'd love to hear about your happiness -let me know in the comments below.