Have you ever been at a light, waiting for it to turn green and glanced at the driver in the next lane? I did that the other day. I saw this millennial unwrap a snickers bar and take a bite. What’s their tag line? “You’re not you when you’re hungry?”
It got me to thinking. Why was he eating that food at that moment? Maybe he was having that mid-afternoon slump we all get when our sugar is low. Maybe he stopped at the gas station just around the corner. When you go inside those stores you are bombarded by so many “treats.” It’s hard to resist.
But have you noticed what else they offer near the cashier? Have you seen the baskets filled with bananas, apples, and oranges?
We could all use more fruit in our daily diet. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables daily can help reduce the risk of many leading causes of illness and death, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and obesity.
Apples and bananas are the ultimate convenience food but when you have more time to shop, consider sampling the many varieties of fruit at your farmers market or even the produce department. Buy fruit when it’s in season and you’ll get awesome quality at a great price.
Fresh fruit makes a quick, perfect snack but fruit juice not so much. Most of the phytonutrients in fruit are attached to the fiber so when you merely drink the juice you are missing out on all the fiber and nutrition that was attached to it.
Fun Fact: A Harvard University study found that higher fruit juice consumption is associated with higher diabetes risk but consumption of whole fruits is associated with lower likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.
So don’t be one of the 90% of Americans that don’t eat enough fruit. Be sure to eat one serving of berries plus at least two other fruits every day. An apple a day really can help keep the doctor away.
Are you getting at least three a day? Let me know in the comments below what your favorite afternoon de-light is.
Make fruit your new fast food.